Saturday, October 9, 2010

Steve Hargadon - Classroom 2.0

“You don't really know which social networking sites you create will take off or succeed. Clay Shirkey reminds us that when "failure is free" you get innovative experimentation because you can easily move on from failures.” I picked this one because it’s very true. You never know if everyone is going to like your web site. Odds are that some people will like it but others will not and we just need to learn how to make it more appealing to those who don’t like it. This is how we improve our web sites. Then with social networks they are always being replaced. We had myspace, then it was facebook and now everyone is switching to twitter or scipe.
“It turns out that you are especially dependent on early adopters for the success of the network--in some cases, they are more important than you as the network creator are.” This is very true! Yes the network creator is important because they make all the changes and they are the main key in the network but without adopters and the users this network is useless. A network isn’t a network if no one is using it. If no one signed up to use myspace or facebook then they wouldn’t have become as popular as they did. Then the creators would have had to try again till they find something that people enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Clay Shirkey is an interesting commentator. Have you seen many of his talks available online? Failure is free is a wonderful mantra, the willingness to make mistakes is one of the hallmarks of creative thinking and original thought.
